Terms and Conditions
Thank you for considering to work with Little Bear Sleep Solutions. Using the Little Bear Sleep Solutions website and making payment for a product and/or service will be deemed as acceptance of the terms and conditions as stated below. Updated 20th May 2024.
When you book a sleep package you will receive education, information and support from Little Bear Sleep Solutions. I do not guarantee a particular outcome or result, or within a particular time frame. I always strive to provide you with current, evidence based, compassionate and age appropriate information. I ensure the strategies I put forward in my sleep follow up plan are in line with your parenting style. I will not ever ask you to do something you are not in agreement with or feel comfortable with.
I do not work in a medical capacity. I always maintain that my consultations, information, education and strategies are not a substitute for medical, nutritional, lactation, psychological, therapeutic care. It is always important to consult your doctor, health visitor or a qualified professional if you have specific concerns regarding you or your child’s health and well-being.
By choosing to work with me you agree to this
The fee for Little Bear Sleep Solutions packages and services is due in advance of the initial intake form and consultation calls. The details for payment will be provided by email prior to the session.
Little Bear Sleep Solutions advises that all parents follow the SIDS guidelines when dealing with their child’s sleep.
Little Bear Sleep Solutions advises that the parents/carers are consistent with the proposed Sleep Plan provided in order to achieve success. The outcome of the sleep solutions suggested depends highly on parental consistency and therefore by agreeing to undertake the sleep training, the parents agree to working alongside Little Bear Sleep Solutions to achieve the best results possible.
For the Basic your tailored Sleep Plan will be written and sent through via PDF email format 3 working days after you have completed your intake form and 3 day diary.
For the Essential, Signature and Ultimate Package your tailored Sleep Plan will be written and sent through via PDF email format 24 hrs before your scheduled consultation call.
A working day is defined as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
​For the Signature and Ultimate Package Little Bear Sleep Solutions works closely with clients to ensure that you accomplish the results you set out to achieve. In the small number of cases where progress isn’t apparent, there is always a reason and Little Bear Sleep Solutions will suggest alternatives, including a review of medical and dietary issues.
Little Bear Sleep Solutions provides you with one to one support with the Signature and Ultimate Plan through whatsapp or email support. The hours and days of this support are as below:
for WhatsApp support between the hours of 9am to 7pm seven days a week; and
for email support between the hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
For both options I aim to respond within 4 hrs
Cancellation & Charges
The refund policies and procedures are applicable to all packages and services.
Little Bear Sleep Solutions reserves the right to cancel consultation services or Session, at short notice due to personal circumstances – in this event all clients will be offered an alternative date within the following 30 days.
I am not at this time VAT registered.